Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What the hell is going on?!

What is wrong with the U.S.A.? People just sit around and take all the same old shit that has been given to them for years. It's time to stand up people! Let's make a change! Where is the passion that charged the 60's. Where is the drive to make this country better? Where are the voices demanding change to a country that so desperatly needs one? In 2004 I was so over the political situation that I decided that until this country gave a fair chance to all political parties (like England does), I was no longer going to be a part of it. Then I realized that with the current situation in this country, I could not just sit by and do nothing. I had to try to change things for the better. One way to do that is to vote. That is where it starts. Next, is to speak up and make waves. Big friggin waves!! I want to hear from all the people that are pissed off enough that want to change this fucked up situation. Do you want this country to go down like the Titanic? What language do you think we will be speaking in 20 years? The way that it is going now, it certainly will not be English! Rant on!!

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